Dear Sharkians,. on behalf of the entire uShark team, we politely apologize for the delay.

21 Jun 2023, 07:27
Dear Sharkians, on behalf of the entire uShark team, we politely apologize for the delay. We know that reliability is a valuable asset and especially in cryptospace the trust of the community is a very important part on the way to success. We also know that we have some potential especially in this area, which needs to be exploited in the future! We assure you that in the background everything has been put on the right track and that all promises will be fulfilled in full within a short period of time. A business handover of this magnitude does not run completely smoothly, so there are still a few things to be clarified at the moment. As soon as the process is finalized, we will provide you with updates and both, the technical things and the promised announcement, will be realized promptly. We kindly ask you for a little more patience. Please keep up the confidence and your effort, in a short time we will all be rewarded for it. With your help uShark will reach the next level in a short time! Thank you for your understanding. Your team uShark 🦈