Dear Sharkians,. as announced we had a conversation today with the important people behind uShark.

22 Jun 2023, 18:02
Dear Sharkians, as announced we had a conversation today with the important people behind uShark. According to all the information available to me, together we can look forward to a positive future. Yes, there was a bit of irritation behind the scenes that led to the current situation. The team in Dubai is in the process of fixing the things that were previously caused, leading to the current delay, for which the new team apologizes profusely. However, the future is much more important: a statement on the current situation will soon be released by Dubai itself. The new CEO will be introduced as well as a new CFO and the plan for the upcoming investments will be revealed as well. The new team is sure, with a new management and improved visions, to repay your trust, for which we thank you very much, in reliability and with success in the future. We are all sure that uShark will realize its undoubted potential, and that is the most important aspect at this point. Of course, our journey continues, the new level is already in sight and our work has just begun. BE A SHARK 🦈